Forging resilient relationships at the foundation of strategy.


The success of any institution — business, government, or non-profit — depends on relationships. But while institutions relate well to other institutions, most find non-institutional relationships difficult.


Communities and human networks are growing in importance. Technology, globalization and demography have given these unconventional actors new power. They have increasing leverage over the success or failure of your strategy.

To institutions, they can appear irrational, unpredictable, and volatile. To them, institutions can appear the same. Conflicts seem irreconcilable. But, managed with insight, these same conflicts have produced great value — for both sides.


Shiplake Partners helps institutions create and nurture relationships that offer upside and mitigate risk.

We work with you to determine what non-institutional relationships your strategy requires. Then, we work with your senior executives and staff to forge those relationships, sustainably and authentically.

Contact us for a conversation about how we can help you deliver an unconventional relationship advantage to your strategy.

Get In Touch

Contact Details:

1400 16th St. NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036
